Buddy Up for Fitness Motivation.

Buddy Up for Fitness Motivation.

Posted by Amy Chartier on


Looking for motivation and accountability in your fitness regimen?

Girl, we get it. And guess what? We have data-backed inspiration to fuel your fire. What is this magic? Go back to your kindergarten roots, and let's talk about the power of the Buddy System.

Working out with a friend makes you more accountable, can bring out a competitive nature to push you harder, and can just simply be more fun. In fact, time and time again, studies show that couples who started up a new workout regimen separately had a 50 percent dropout rate after a year; whereas couples who went to the gym together, regardless of whether they focused on the same type of exercise, had only a 10 percent dropout rate. Magic! But great news, friends, as you may have guessed, a fitness buddy doesn't have to be a life partner, it can be anyone who is close to you. And what's more, the best way to ensure success is by choosing someone who is significant in your life that you don't want to disappoint. 

Fitness buddies don't have to be just one person either. Finding a group of fired up women who are ready to crush it alongside you and are waiting for you all year long, even if it's raining or 10 below zero, will motivate you to show up and get it done.

Whether it's hitting the gym, walking or playing pickleball, getting regular fitness on the calendar with others makes you more likely to do it, and it also has effects on your overall mental health. While we all might do well by ourselves, there are lots of additional factors that come into play when we work together. That community connection often inspires us to simply work harder and show up without excuses. A fitness buddy can be approached as a contract. It's a special understanding between you. You can get to know each other's limits and strengths and where your fitness partner might need to be pushed.

Another great way to break up the monotony of getting to the gym is by signing up for a race such as a 5K or a group hike. Having a goal can give you that extra push. Need to up the stakes a bit? Sign up for a charity event such as a walk-a-thon where you're not only being held accountable by your buddy but also by a non-profit who needs your support.

But remember, the most important thing in fitness is consistency. So whatever it takes for you to get there and to make it a part of your regular lifestyle is key.  The camaraderie that the buddy system offers just makes it easy.

And guess what? It doesn't have to be the same person every week. Again, it's about that consistency. Get someone on your calendar every Tuesday, for example, for a walk, then meet another friend on Thursday at the gym for a class. You're training for the charity run with someone else on Fridays, then having a group hike on Saturday mornings, and before you know it, you're working out three to five times a week, getting in a varied workout and even some social interaction. 

Rock your Handful bra and leggings and tag us with your favorite workout on social! 

You've got this.

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