Coconut Cream Yogurt keto recipe

KETO: Coconut Cream Yogurt

Posted by XPND Interactive on


As Summer fades into fall, take advantage of the ripe fruits from the end of the season! This refreshing but filling Keto Coconut Cream yogurt is easy to make and you can top it or even layer it with any berries, fruits or granola of your choice. 


Makes ½ Cup per Serving

1 can Full Fat Coconut Milk

2 capsules Probiotics

1/2 tsp. Xanthan Gum

2/3 cup Heavy Whipping Cream

Toppings of Your Choice







Open a can of coconut milk and thoroughly mix it. Make certain that the cream and water in the can are thoroughly mixed.


Put the coconut milk in whatever container you want. Make sure your probiotics are easily accessible.


Incorporate the capsules into the coconut milk. If you're using two jars, use one capsule per jar. If you're only using one jar, use two capsules. Place the lids on the jars after thoroughly mixing the mixture.


Turn on your oven light and place the jars inside. Close the oven door, leaving the light on, and leave it for 12-24 hours overnight. The longer the bacteria culture, the thicker the mixture becomes, but this doesn't make much of a difference.


Fill a mixing bowl halfway with yogurt and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp Xanthan gum. Mix this thoroughly with a hand mixer.


2/3 cup heavy cream, whipped until stiff peaks form, in a separate bowl You want it to be almost solid cream.


Pour the solid cream into the yogurt and mix on low speed until the desired consistency is achieved.


Enjoy with your favorite toppings, flavours, or fillings!


Calories: 198kcal

Fat: 16.7g (12.2g S.Fat)

Carbs: 24.1g

Protein: 3.7g

Sugar: 4.2g

Sodium: 581mg

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