Holidays are a time for family, fun, and food, but with guests coming and going, meal planning, cleaning, and decorating, it can strain your body and mind. Sometimes it can seem like there is hardly anytime to celebrate, much less having an opportunity to take care of yourself. Here are 7 tips from the Handful Team to help unwind and enjoy the holiday season
In the excitement of cooking, decorating and cleaning and trying to find that perfect gift for Grandma, it can be easy to lose sleep but if you think it'll be fine to catch up later think again. The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and when you skip those z’s, the symptoms of sleep depression can be obvious with poor memory, weakened immune system and extra stress. Make the most of the holidays by making sure you get enough sleep to be ready to celebrate with family.
Over the holiday break it can be easy to want to cozy up with the couch but sometimes that can do more harm than help. Getting in a small workout is just the truck to reset your brain - even a simple walk or another light exercise can help clear your mind and undo stress by releasing endorphins.
Take A Deep Breath
While it may sound simple, deep breathing is essential to a peaceful mind. Deep breathing exercises allow for fuller, slower breaths to help bring on a more relaxed state. When the room is spinning, here is your reminder to take a deep breath.
Listen to Music
There is plenty of research out there to show the benefits of music on the body - listening to music can even relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. So make a fun holiday playlist, set up some speakers in the kitchen and dance away the stress.
Laughter is the best medicine - and practically a cure for any stressed out host! This holiday season, carve out some time for your favorite comedies, or stream your favorite stand-up comedian and make some funny memories with the family.
Don’t Eat or Drink TOO Much
While the holiday season is known for indulgence - stop your stress brain from reaching for that fudge brownie or last glass of hard cider. Too much drinking can negatively affect your sleep schedule, cause migraine or high blood pressure. Additionally, foods that are too salty or sweet might cause digestive problems. Remember - All things in moderation.
Accept That Everything Isn’t Going To Be Perfect
Letting go of perfection will set you free - so often the holidays are built up to what can be an impossible standard and that's the last stressor you want to add to the fun. Decide to cut yourself some slack, don’t worry about all the things you ‘should do’ and let in the holiday joy.