Jen has been the Fitness Director at the Genesys Athletic Club in Grand Blanc, MI, since October 2001. She first discovered Handful Bras in our early years when we had only one style and they appeared in her club’s pro shop. In those days, there were very few options for women who pioneered the athleisure trend out of work day to work out to mom-on-the-go necessity, not just fashion.
While Jen holds a Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology with a specialization in Health Promotion from Michigan State University, she has gone on to become certified as a personal trainer and fitness instructor through National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), a certified yoga instructor through YogaFit and a certified Health Coach through the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
Jen is particularly passionate about nutritional analysis, postural alignment, post-rehabilitation, functional and sport specific training, and teaching yoga classes and workshops. Even while managing her career and busy home life with a husband and two sons, Jen extends her reach in the yoga community by actively supporting women around the world through her always entertaining presence on social media. Follow her on instagram @jsesti (and her identical twin in the UK @reganwarner) and prepare to be inspired to get your daily yoga on!