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At Handful we value transparency, just not in our leggings....
As many of you know, small businesses have been hit quite hard with the rising cost of supplies, shipping, and inflation due to the pandemic,...
What Size Am I? How to Measure Your Bra Size - Handful Activewear
How many times have you had a bra digging into your sides, or the fit was off? Having versatile activewear that moves with you is one...
Who Can You Turn to for Support in Your Fitness Journey?
A personal fitness journey can serve many purposes and take many forms. But one thing that tends to be common among the most effective personal...
The Side Dish You Need to Add This Thanksgiving
Yes, some of us love the Thanksgiving turkey. And some of us are just here for the side dishes, so today we're channelling Handful Ambadassador My Bizzy...
Let's talk. No, really.
Join us for a panel discussion lead by voices in the movement for equality as well as allies as we look in the past of...
Get Moving: Reclaiming Your Body After Breast Cancer
With mental and physical wellbeing at the forefront of this year's Breast Cancer ACTION month, we're re-sharing this post from our partners at For the Breast...
Handful Partners with For the Breast of Us -- Black Health Matters
Handful is excited to be partnering with For the Breast of Us to support underrepresented women in the breast cancer community!
Let's Talk: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Katrina Pilkington, part 2
In my last post, I introduced you to the idea of increasing our knowledge of social justice work in the wellness space to begin the self-work to love our fellow...
Let's Talk: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Katrina Pilkington, Part 1
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion expert Katrina Pilkington shows us how we can increase our knowledge of social justice work in the wellness space and begin the self-work to...